The Pathway to Health

Announcing the Wellness Solutions eCourse made up of simple, easy-to-understand, step by step lessons, taking you on a proactive journey along the Pathway to Health.
If you suffer from being overweight or obese, the astounding side-affect is that your weight will gradually fall off!
This course would be suitable for:
- Anyone interested in becoming healthier
- Those wanting to live in wellness
- Interested in prolonging their lifespan
- Overweight and obese people
- Suffering from diseases and sicknesses of all kinds, even those they say can only be managed and not reversed… you may be surprised!
- and… those with a desire to learn how to be proactive against all future sicknesses and diseases, even the so-called age-related ones
I have a few questions to ask you…
Do you feel unwell most of the time?
Are you making endless trips to the doctor’s office?
Does the endless cycle of pill-taking make you feel trapped alone with your symptoms?
Ever wonder if there could be another way?
Would it be a touch of heaven just to experience a day without having to take pain-numbing medication?
Can you actually imagine what it would be like to be bursting with energy again?
What if I told you that it’s probably the fuel you’re feeding your body bringing about your problems? Could you… would you… believe me?
I encourage you to discover the truth about the connection between body fuel and everything you are experiencing.
I’m a trained professional, but it is my desire to share with you in such simple terms that make it easy for you to understand. I want to give you bite sized pieces of information to allow you to take hold of that truth and really make it yours.
These lessons will help you make better choices in your diet. Come on the journey with me and begin to experience a lessening of your symptoms, or maybe even reversing them altogether, as you move one bite at a time towards a new healthy you.
Scan through the course to see some of the subjects addressed:
- 6 Modules
- 52 Lessons
- 119 Subjects and counting…
The Wellness Solutions Course:
Module 1
- Introduction to Wellness Solutions
- The Seven Pillars of Balanced Health – come with me as together we discover how strong and sturdy your Freedom Pillars are.
- Shows you where you need to concentrate more on in your life to bring about a balanced you.
- Begin the most important change you need to implement into your lifestyle.
- Can you make S.M.A.R.T. changes?
- Different eating styles and their benefits.
- Examining three major diet types
- What is a healthy eating style?
- My Uncle goes bananas!
- Make sure you miss out on these horrible toxic substances which could be part of your daily life.
- Without this we die!
- Making a mistake in this is more than costly!
- Find out how to tell if the water you drink is actually safe.
- When drinking water are you consuming more than you bargained for?
- Good enough for the Nazi’s to use… is it good enough for you?
- We swim and bathe daily in water containing a terrifying ingredient… are we happy enough with that?
- Are you aware of the deceptive marketing that’s all around you?
Module 2
- This condition has been found to be associated with just about every health condition imaginable!
- Understanding both good and bad inflammation.
- Discover the foods that cause fire within, and the foods that put out the fire.
- This affects every organ and every disease state!
- Are you sometimes moody and depressed? This has a huge affect on your moods.
- Is your internal clock out of whack? What causes that?
- Understanding digestion
- Nutrition and empty calories.
- What presses the ‘Hunger button’?
- Discover what those evil creatures are that live in your closet!
- What does your body receive when it cries out?
- Is it fat that causes heart attacks?
- Find out what causes inflammation of your liver.
- Depressed? Find out what you can do.
- What increases the risk of breast cancer?
- Do you know how much sugar is in that drink?
- Be educated in what foods are doing you in.
- What is made by the same people who made Agent Orange? Could you trust them?
- Learn healthy substitutions so you can eat this and not that.
- Find out a natural, zero-calorie alternative you can use for sweetening.
- Be blown away by the list of names designed to confuse you.
- Can you really be addicted to items in your pantry and fridge? Real addiction.
- Kicking the addiction.
- What you can eat to help the ‘good’ bacteria in your colon.
- List of healthy and yummy staples for your kitchen.
- Does the witch visit you? You might be surprised!
- Paying a HUGE price for your love affair!
- What about parasites? Well, what about them?
- Learning how not to fall into the big black hole.
Module 3
- Learn where good health starts.
- What causes most health problems?
- The tricks on replacing unhealthy options.
- What does it mean to be regular?
- Learn what your body really cries out for.
- Understand high quality fibre foods.
- Find out what is the number one chemical cocktail on our food crops and how to avoid it.
- See which foods are ‘dirty’ and which are ‘clean’.
- The fruits and vegetables that bring health and weight loss.
- The best grains for health… at this stage!
- Understanding the difference between simple and complex carbohydrates… and which to avoid.
- Learning how to adapt your favourite recipes for greater health benefits.
- Following the 80-20 rule.
- Making the best choices by keeping your imagination in check.
- Concerns with take-away and how to make the best choices.
- Who is the real villain?.
- Which are the healthiest fats and oils to eat.
- Which fats or oils should be avoided like the plague?
- Are these ‘Healthy Oils’ really healthy?
- Understanding and applying good fats in your diet.
- Some of the best omega-3 sources.
- Which are the best fats to cook with.
- Discussing farmed versus wild-caught fish.
- Cycle of change – where are you today?
- Are you aware of deceptive marketing?
- Seven common deceptions
- Are the authorities working for or against us?
- Are you ready?
Module 4
- The building blocks of protein.
- A little food combining strategy.
- Simple meal planning ideas.
- Simple, smart snacks.
- Know the simple rules.
- When it’s best to eat, and when it’s best not to.
- A brilliant gut-healing fluid that tastes so yum.
- Improving digestion, allergies, brain and immune health.
- Maintaining skin elasticity and strength.
- Nutrition in – toxins out!
- Deciphering food labels.
- A nightmarish ingredient and its many names.
- A diet we can learn from.
- What is a serve?
- Learning the good habits that will change your life.
- How much protein should we eat?
- Find out what increases your risk of bowel cancer.
Module 5
- What drinks to avoid, those to cut down on and many others to enjoy.
- The problem with minerals.
- How we miss out on vital minerals… all the time!
- The difference between the minerals plants ‘eat’ and what we need.
- What is it that is necessary for sustaining human life?
- What do rainbows have in common with our food?
- How poor nutrition causes an enemy that leads to premature aging, diabetes and much more.
- Who’s winning the war?
- Galloping to the rescue!
- How to minimize damage inside.
- To eat salt or not.
- Learn about another big player in the salt issue.
- What is the ‘Vitality Ratio’?
- What is it we eat that gives our body such a hard time?
- It’s vital and required for every chemical reaction within our body.
Module 6
- Unhappy plight of many dairy cows.
- Differences between the milk straight from the cow and conventional milk.
- The debate for and against dairy milk.
- Milk alternatives… the good and the bad.
- Incredible benefits of cultured foods.
- Essential supplementation to restore our balance.
- The benefits of bugs in your gut.
- List of probiotic killers.
- Probiotics versus Prebiotics.
- Resistant Starch – what’s that?
- Are potatoes good or bad?
- How to give our body a helping hand to detoxify us.
- The Seven Pillars of Health – revisited
Become Proactive – Allow the Wellness Solutions course to help you
Learning to become proactive and taking control of your health is more important today than it has ever been. There are many words that come to mind as the opposite to ‘proactive’, but the one I’ve chosen is ‘inactive’. If you take the inactive route by not being careful about what you consume on a daily basis, being unwell, sickness and disease can come and dwell in you.
Being proactive means you are taking control of your health. You realise that it’s up to you and that no-one else is looking out for you. What is the first thing asked of you upon entering the doctor’s office? “What can I do for you today?” In other words… “What symptoms are you experiencing that I may be able to help you with?”
There are times when only a doctor will do!
This is fair enough, as they are trained to match symptoms to drugs, so of-course they need to know what they are. But the truth is, the doctor is usually (not always) there just to hopefully mend your problem rather than teaching you how to become more problem free.
I am not having a go at doctors. We could go through many examples of situations when a time comes when all we want is a doctor. One little example… a broken arm. A naturopath will not do if you’ve just broken your arm!
The normal doctor is not trained in nutrition so there is no use asking him. He will simply direct you to whatever the mainstream is saying is the correct way to eat, but unfortunately the mainstream don’t always have your health in mind. This is why I say, you need to begin, if you haven’t already started, to learn what the latest research is revealing about healthy eating. After all, you need the truth!
It’s not Impossible!
We live in a world that has been severely compromised owing to the enormous flood of toxins in our food lines which make it almost impossible to live a healthy life as was intended for us. Now I said “almost impossible‘! The good news is that it’s not impossible!
As you can see, it’s a combination of understanding how to make wise choices in this day and age where our senses are bombarded with fake foods and foods that could be healthy except they are destroyed in the cooking or processing.
Each major step is covered in each of these lessons. Begin today with the Wellness Solutions Course. Take it one step at a time and begin to see your health improve and any excess weight begin to drop away.
Can you afford not to work your way through this course?
If all the information you hear confuses you, do yourself a favour and come with me on this journey. I’m waiting to meet you and will endeavour to answer all your questions that no doubt will rise as you work your way through this no-nonsense course.

Purchase Wellness Solutions – (Total Bundle) for only $19.90 which includes being in touch with me to have your questions answered.
- Payment is accepted through Paypal – add to Shopping cart below.
- Australians also have the option of Net Banking – go directly to the Shop for instructions.